Adaptation is to mitigation what Robin is to Batman – Bank Underground

Adaptation is to mitigation what Robin is to Batman – Bank Underground

Jenny Clark and Theresa Löber The UK’s climate continues to change, getting wetter and warmer, with extremes becoming ever more pronounced. Even if we limit global warming to 1.5°C above...

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assessing the Bank of England’s response to the LDI crisis – Bank Underground

assessing the Bank of England’s response to the LDI crisis – Bank Underground

Nicolò Bandera and Jacob Stevens How should the central bank conduct asset purchases to restore market functioning without causing higher inflation? The Bank of England was faced with this question...

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Zero-day options and financial market vulnerability – Bank Underground

Zero-day options and financial market vulnerability – Bank Underground

Bowen Xiao Zero-day options have exploded in popularity in recent years, accounting for approximately half of S&P 500’s total options volume, a ten-fold increase from just 5% in 2016. Their...

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