Most Recent Finance News

From Debt to Prosperity: Tips for Taking Control of Your Finances – FinanceBUM

From Debt to Prosperity: Tips for Taking Control of Your Finances – FinanceBUM

Debt can be a heavy burden to carry, but with the right plan and mindset, it is possible to turn...

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Investors Brace for Impact of Federal Reserve Interest Rate Decision – FinanceBUM

Investors Brace for Impact of Federal Reserve Interest Rate Decision – FinanceBUM

Investors around the world are on edge as they await the Federal Reserve’s highly anticipated interest rate decision. The central...

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Can a single person get a mortgage in Ireland?

Can a single person get a mortgage in Ireland?

Are there common mistakes single first-time buyers should avoid? Yes, there are several common pitfalls that single first-time buyers should...

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Save on taxes as a small business owner

Save on taxes as a small business owner

In general, the first step to solving a problem is clearly defining and understanding the problem itself. Paying too much...

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Investing in Your Future: Financial Advice for College Students – FinanceBUM

Investing in Your Future: Financial Advice for College Students – FinanceBUM

As a college student, it may seem like you have plenty of time before you need to start thinking about...

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Essential Steps for Getting Mortgage Ready

Essential Steps for Getting Mortgage Ready

Research Properties, Location and Price When embarking on the journey to homeownership, thorough research into properties, locations, and prices is...

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Scaling Your Dental Practice Team

Scaling Your Dental Practice Team

As a solo dental practice owner, who do you turn to for questions about scaling your practice, more specifically your...

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10 Best Places To Sell A Wedding Dress

10 Best Places To Sell A Wedding Dress

Looking for the best places to sell a wedding dress? If you want to sell your wedding dress online or...

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Stock Market Hits Record High Amid Economic Recovery – FinanceBUM

Stock Market Hits Record High Amid Economic Recovery – FinanceBUM

The stock market has been on a tear recently, hitting record highs as the economy continues to rebound from the...

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Get a Life Insurance Quote Quickly: A Guide for Busy People

Get a Life Insurance Quote Quickly: A Guide for Busy People

Cost Savings Brokers have access to policies from multiple insurance companies and can compare the costs and benefits of different...

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